What is love? I asked my grandma what love is and even she has a hard time describing it to me, you’d think she’s of old age and wise, but yet she says its indescribable, I had long hours of conversation with the topic of love with others and it’s just so hard to pinpoint into a few sentences. I guess it doesn’t really matter what age you are or how much you experienced because everyone will always have a different definition of what love is.So what is love?: that’s a question many of us ask and have a hard time defining, because the feeling of love is indescribable to put in a few simple words.The Google definition of love describes as:- An intense feeling of deep affection
- A person or thing that one loves
- A feel of deep romantic or sexual attachment
To me and others, love can be described in several ways. Describing love can be received or given from a parent/grandparent, best friend/friend, sister/brother, wife/husband, your boyfriend/girlfriend, or even your pet dog, you name it, love can be received from many.Love can be simple as being passionate about something, simple as a hobby or job you love doing. Love gives you a sense of comfort, appreciation, stability, a feeling of having something secure like a treasure, but that treasure can be broken, taken away or lost. Love gives you butterflies, goose bumps and jitters, as you would go on a first date, or seeing your loved one after a long time, that’s love. It’s a sense of satisfaction that fills up your heart whole and you feel the need of not wanting anything else. Love lets you be yourself; it can make you smile for days. Love brings you trust, honesty, and believing in yourself, having faith and not giving up.Love can be scary and amazing, both positive and negative. Love is powerful like a magnet that you just don’t want to let go and is so hard to let go of. Love can be expressed in action, whether it’s a hug, kiss, an intimate moment between the two, when a mother gives birth to her child, a loving conversation with your family members, a laugh, a smile or touch, or even a gesture, simple as giving a gift or donating. Love can be a feeling of eternity, an infinite love which is never ending, and when it ends you feel your world just crashing down.Love is so many things, which sometimes we don’t realize it’s given to us in many ways, love is there. Many of us have those days where we feel no one loves us and we’re just in that mood, don’t ever feel that no one loves you because in the end of the day there is God, your family, friends, you’re partner, etc … Someone is always there to love you.Love is special; it’s a gift that makes everyone come as one. Cherish it, thank it, and treasure it. And remember love starts from loving yourself and comes from within. Love is there.Written by: Opola Karim