

TRUST – noun. Dictionary definitions found were:
a.       Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person or thing; i.e. confidence.
b.       Confident expectation of something; HOPE.
c.      A person on whom or thing on which one relies; as in in God is my trust.
d.       The condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
e.         The obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.

I’ve come to realize that…Trust is a very big word.
If we have struggled with trusting at some point in our life, be it with family, a friend, a loved one or with society, the most important part is to not let Trust or the lack of it define you. Life is about the ups and downs, the choices one makes, the people one touches and those that touch us. Life is a lesson and the way one lives it. Believe it or not it is a choice, your choice. It’s not about being unbeatable, the best. Life is about how you shared your time and what was learned from the moment that was shared. How you and the other person gained from both of your experiences. We came into this world not knowing about this word Trust, because it’s built in. You are here now reading these words because it was built in, in your very beginning. Parents gave you life then with Mom’s nurture you developed until you had the ability to know and the knowledge of choice. The choice of who to trust, when, whether to take it away or not. You also had the choice when, where, how you wanted to live and why. It defined you. In the beginning!!!…because life, to live, you needed to do so.

Trust. Don’t LET Trust, Define You, because doing so your choices then are being dictated by external forces i.e. someone else. Trust your fellow men/women/person. It’s okay to take your trust away if you choose to do so. The important question you must ask is what was learned so you grow, and grow as a person. What was learned so you’re now a better person then you were before…for no one but for yourself.

“Everyone suffers at least one bad betrayal in their lifetime. It’s what unites us. The trick is not to let it destroy your trust in others when that happens. Don’t let them take that from you.” 
Sherrilyn KenyonInvincible

Written by: Alex Salinas

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