Having value for everything in life is important! The way you value your self, relationships, parents, brothers, sisters, kids, jobs, friends, pets, things you own ...etc
In life sometimes we are not that lucky to have those things, and if we have them we should be thankful.
We should not take any thing for granted or anyone for granted. Remember there is always someone out there who needs a job, who needs a friend,who needs a family, or who needs parents etc.
So we should have value for everything around us, it's a part of life. For example, you should value things such as your body because without them you wouldn't be able to do things you would normally do in your daily life. People who give you a job, your family who loves you, your brother and sister's who are there for you in the good and bad times, your parents who take care of you and so on...Value is important and that we must cherish.
By: Mary & Anisa